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Mormonism Vol. 1 (The)
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Mormonism Vol. 2 (The)
- Case Against
Mormonism Vol. 3 (The)
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Joseph Smith's History
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Pratt, Brigham Young, Joseph Smith
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Smith The Prophet—His Family and His Friends
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- Mormonism Under the Microscope: "Breaking Bad" Vol. 2
- Mormonism Under the Microscope: "The Devil Is in the Details" Vol. 3
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It's Leaders and Designs
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Its Rise, Progress, & Present Condition
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Rise and Progress of Mormonism: Biography of Its Founders and History of Its
- Race and the Making of the Mormon People
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- Salt Lake School of the Prophets: 1867–1883
- Scattering of the Saints: Schism within Mormonism
- Secret Combinations: Evidence of Early Mormon Counterfeiting 1800-1847
- Senate Document 189
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